Placemaking & Transit

Transportation and streetscaping projects have been in the works over the last few years. Investments in improving the Columbia Road Corridor and the Fairmount Line are essential to neighborhood development. These two corridors are transportation hubs of the community. New traffic patterns, trees, and pedestrian safety are just some of the issues that have been addressed with these projects.

Find out more about each project:

Columbia Road

Photo from the Dorchester Reporter. A view of Columbia Road in Uphams Corner as seen in January from a perch inside the Pierce Building by Seth Daniel.

Design goals:

  1. Improve safety on the Columbia Road corridor
  2. Create a neighborhood-friendly corridor embraced by local residents
  3. Encourage modal shift to more sustainable travel options
  4. Create a public realm that celebrates local culture
  5. Create a green corridor that promotes environmental resilience

Further reading:

RFP – Columbia Road Transportation Action Plan

Fairmount Corridor

The planning effort focuses upon the following:

  • guiding physical and economic development;
  • encouraging sustainable growth and transit-oriented development (TOD);
  • prioritizing economic prosperity for existing residents and businesses;
  • and incorporating existing planning initiatives (city-led and community-based) into one vision for the future.

Further reading:

Generate Networks of Opportunity: Fairmount Corridor